And vs In, that is something that has stumped believers for a while now. As I was doing my morning walking on the treadmill, I was listening to a Bible Study by Louie Gigleo on Colossians. That is where this devotional comes from. And vs In. Doesn’t seem like much but truly is the difference to walking in the confidence in Christ.
And, just a normal word that you and I have used trillions of times throughout our lifetimes. But when we start to think that our relationship with Christ depends on Christ AND me. We have missed the Truth of the Gospel. And mean to combine things together. If your relationship with Christ was just about bring Christ together with you that is nothing more than a surficial relationship with our Creator.
The Gospel is not about bring together Christ AND you. The Gospel, your salvation for eternity is not dependent on Christ AND you, or Christ AND anything or anyone for that matter.
The Gospel is all about Christ IN you.
In, again just another normal word that we have used trillions of times in our lives. Your salvation for eternity is 100% about Christ IN you. The good work that you and I were created for is not something we have to create and submit to Christ for approval, but it is the work that Christ does IN and THROUGH you.
Your relationship with Christ is Christ IN you. Rather than going through life thinking you need to perform for Christ and hold up your end of the agreement, it is just submitting to Christ as Lord of your life and knowing that it is Christ IN you.