
Repentance is almost a church term that we use but may not know much about.  For the last few weeks at Maranatha Baptist Fellowship we have looked a REPENTANCE.  Repentance is something that is required if you and I as believers in Jesus Christ expect to be used by God.  You and I were created by God for a very unique and very good purpose.  God has gifted each and everyone of us for a very specific purpose.  But if we are unwilling to repent from the sin in our lives then we will never be used by God for that purpose.  
The problem is that we begin a personal relationship with Christ, and because we live in a fallen world, we sin.  We become dirty, like a dirty dish at that point.  If we never repent from that sin which is to allow the Holy Spirit to begin to get ride of the junk in our lives then we will continue to be just like that dirty dish.  The dirty dish can no longer be used to be make good food.  It is the washing process that must happen for the dish to be clean again and then to be used again.  It is through repentance that you and I are cleaned by the Holy Spirit.
REPENT is a verb, there must be action associated with this word.  If there is no action to your repentance then it is not repentance you are doing.  For repentance to happen there must be action, I know I said that twice but you and I need to understand that.  Repentance is more than just feeling bad about the sin in our life, it is more than just confessing the sin in our life, it is more than asking forgiveness, it is more than saying sorry.  Repentance is an action word and that means that you stop the sin in your life and go the opposite direction.  You must put physical action to your cry to God.  If you repent from a sin, then you stop doing it and run in the opposite direction of that sin which will lead your right back to Jesus!
Repentance is more than a one time deal in your walk with Jesus.  Continue to repent from the sin in your life so that you can be a cleansed vessel.  When you are a cleansed vessel you can be used by God for the good work He wants to do through you.  That good work is the sharing of the Gospel to the lost.  You and I repent so that we can be prepared to be used by God to share the Gospel with the lost people that you and I know and that you and I come into contact with each and everyday.
Repent, turn from the sin in your life and seek the Lord!


And vs In

And vs In, that is something that has stumped believers for a while now.  As I was doing my morning walking on the treadmill, I was listening to a Bible Study by Louie Gigleo on Colossians.  That is where this devotional comes from.  And vs In.  Doesn’t seem like much but truly is the difference to walking in the confidence in Christ. 
And, just a normal word that you and I have used trillions of times throughout our lifetimes.  But when we start to think that our relationship with Christ depends on Christ AND me.  We have missed the Truth of the Gospel.  And mean to combine things together.  If your relationship with Christ was just about bring Christ together with you that is nothing more than a surficial relationship with our Creator.  
The Gospel is not about bring together Christ AND you.  The Gospel, your salvation for eternity is not dependent on Christ AND you, or Christ AND anything or anyone for that matter.
The Gospel is all about Christ IN you.  
In, again just another normal word that we have used trillions of times in our lives.  Your salvation for eternity is 100% about Christ IN you.  The good work that you and I were created for is not something we have to create and submit to Christ for approval, but it is the work that Christ does IN and THROUGH you.
Your relationship with Christ is Christ IN you.  Rather than going through life thinking you need to perform for Christ and hold up your end of the agreement, it is just submitting to Christ as Lord of your life and knowing that it is Christ IN you.


Direction for 2021

As we look toward 2021, it is important to look back at 2020.  God did some absolutely amazing things.  So as you look over the 2020 year note what happened in 1918.  In 1918 the would was struck with the Spanish Flu.  In Southern Baptist History there is little to no mention of it in their meeting minutes.  Not because they were not affected but because they did not allow it to distract them from being the church.  That is exactly where we are, when you and I look back, don’t allow the pandemic to distract you from what God did.  It is important to take stock and review what God did in your life.
As you look to the future, 2021, do not make things more difficult than they need to be.  remember you calling a believer in Jesus Christ.  You and I were called to Share the Gospel message with the lost.  We were called to go to the nations to share what Jesus has done in our own lives.  That is what are you to do in 2021.  You may read this and ask how do I do that?  Mark 1:15 says that we are to REPENT and BELIEVE.  If you and I expect to share the Gospel with people it starts when we are walking with Jesus.  To walk with Jesus is to REPENT and BELIEVE.  
To REPENT is to turn from the sin in your life.  Barney Fife said it best, “Nip it in the bud.”  Stop sinning and do pick it up again.  Turn from it and run to Jesus.  That is what it is to repent.
To BELIEVE is to do just that.  Believe that Jesus is who He said He was.  Believe that Jesus is who He says He is.  And finally believe that Jesus will be who He says He will be.  



What is Revival, how do we start a Revival, how do we know when we are in Revival.  Those are questions that we as believers have wrestled with for sometime.  See there used to be a time when Revival was scheduled and we would have Revival for a week at a time.  Revival is a time of spiritual renewing and refreshment.  It is a time as the John the Author of Revelations would call us to return to our first love.  If ever there was a time for Revival it is now!  You and I cannot start a Revival that alone is the work of the Holy Spirit.  We can however be obedient to join in the Revival.  
Church Revival will begin when we as believers cry our to Jesus to revive us, to refresh us, to renew our hearts, and then when we are obedient to God moving in our lives.  Psalms 85:6 is a prayer for us.  If you believe now is a time for Revival in our world, our nation, our state, our city, and our community then it is time that as a believer in Jesus Christ that you begin to cry out to Jesus, and that you become obedient to God moving in your life.
How do you start a revival someone once asked British Evangelist Gypsy Smith. He replied “ If you want to start a revival, go home ,take a piece of chalk. Go into your closet and draw a circle on the floor. Kneel down in the middle of the circle and ask God to start a revival within the chalk mark. When He answers your prayer , the revival has begun.”
So I would encourage you with just that, go and find a piece of chalk and draw a circle somewhere in your house and stand in it and cry out to the Lord!  Cry out for refreshment, and revival to start with everything in that circle first.


Seeking Wisdom

Just a reminder for you to seek the Lord and His wisdom with your entire body. 

With our ears, listen to the still small voice of God.  Begin to train our ears to hear the voice of God.  That means that you have to listen to the Word of God, good Biblical Teachers who teach and preach the Word of God and then of course READ YOUR BIBLE!

With your eyes, focus on Jesus.  Keep our eyes focused on Jesus.  Pay no attention to the many many distractions around.  Believe you me I understand how hard especially right now that can be.  But it is imperative as a Believer in Jesus Christ to keep our eyes on Jesus.

With your heart, check to ensure your heart is after Jesus.  If your heart is not in it, your mouth and body will reflect that.  Sometimes we have to take a heart check to ensure that our hearts yearn for the things of God and if they do not, then ask God to change our heart.

With our mouth, ensure it is encouraging and edifying and uplifting.  If your words are adding to the drama, or tearing someone down, then you probably shouldn’t be saying them.  As your mom used to say if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything at all.

With your feet, walk with Jesus.  To put it plainly, if you want to walk with Jesus then walk with Jesus.  Stop talking the talk and begin to walk the walk.