Direction for 2021

As we look toward 2021, it is important to look back at 2020.  God did some absolutely amazing things.  So as you look over the 2020 year note what happened in 1918.  In 1918 the would was struck with the Spanish Flu.  In Southern Baptist History there is little to no mention of it in their meeting minutes.  Not because they were not affected but because they did not allow it to distract them from being the church.  That is exactly where we are, when you and I look back, don’t allow the pandemic to distract you from what God did.  It is important to take stock and review what God did in your life.
As you look to the future, 2021, do not make things more difficult than they need to be.  remember you calling a believer in Jesus Christ.  You and I were called to Share the Gospel message with the lost.  We were called to go to the nations to share what Jesus has done in our own lives.  That is what are you to do in 2021.  You may read this and ask how do I do that?  Mark 1:15 says that we are to REPENT and BELIEVE.  If you and I expect to share the Gospel with people it starts when we are walking with Jesus.  To walk with Jesus is to REPENT and BELIEVE.  
To REPENT is to turn from the sin in your life.  Barney Fife said it best, “Nip it in the bud.”  Stop sinning and do pick it up again.  Turn from it and run to Jesus.  That is what it is to repent.
To BELIEVE is to do just that.  Believe that Jesus is who He said He was.  Believe that Jesus is who He says He is.  And finally believe that Jesus will be who He says He will be.